Not long to go now!
So there is just one week left until the big day! The full 200,000 in 24 hours. I feel excited to undertake the challenge but I am still awaiting the point this week at which I shall begin to feel nervous!
I have settled into my new student house well, especially in terms of being strict with my nutrition. I have made sure to get into a good habit of eating nutritious 'home-cooked' meals with plenty of carbohydrates. I said to a friend earlier this week that I was going to start 'carb-loading' to which her reply was, "you don't believe that internet rubbish do you?". However, I trust the Science in Sport's article about it and so I am aiming to get increase my glycogen to a sufficient level for next Saturday which will help reduce muscle fatigue.
Training has been a little bit lighter this week for two reasons. The first being that I have been pretty busy with the administrative side of the event and trying to get it all organised before next week (I shall come to this). Secondly, I want to make sure I don't my body under too much strain. Currently, any little niggle or twinge in my muscles makes me extremely nervous!
So, as I mentioned before, the administrative side of the project has been keeping me busy and has been pretty stressful as well. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to meet up with either the Master or the President of the College to discuss where the event will actually take place yet, (cutting it quite fine). To make things worse, the event is clashing with a 'Freshers' Only' event in College which means access to College is restricted. I hope this problem can get resolved soonish.
The good news, however, is that I have finished designing the posters to advertise the event, stickers to give away on the day, a training plan for the day and added a Paypal donation button to the blog which will allow people to donate even after the sponsorship site closes on the 6th. I have also written a business case which I have submitted to the Grey College Trust for a grant which, if successful, would make a huge impact on the overall fundraising total. Again, let's all keep our finger's crossed! Unfortunately, still no word back from Science in Sport about sponsorship :(.
With just a couple more days open on the sponsorship site Hubbub I would be really grateful for one final push with getting the challenge known to people. Send the links to your family and friends and tell them about GCBC. Whether you row or just like the challenge, any donation amount, large or small, would make all the difference. It would be amazing to reach £2500 before Tuesday!
Thanks for reading and watch out for an IMPORTANT UPDATE soon!
Training w/c 28/08/2015

I have settled into my new student house well, especially in terms of being strict with my nutrition. I have made sure to get into a good habit of eating nutritious 'home-cooked' meals with plenty of carbohydrates. I said to a friend earlier this week that I was going to start 'carb-loading' to which her reply was, "you don't believe that internet rubbish do you?". However, I trust the Science in Sport's article about it and so I am aiming to get increase my glycogen to a sufficient level for next Saturday which will help reduce muscle fatigue.
Training has been a little bit lighter this week for two reasons. The first being that I have been pretty busy with the administrative side of the event and trying to get it all organised before next week (I shall come to this). Secondly, I want to make sure I don't my body under too much strain. Currently, any little niggle or twinge in my muscles makes me extremely nervous!
So, as I mentioned before, the administrative side of the project has been keeping me busy and has been pretty stressful as well. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to meet up with either the Master or the President of the College to discuss where the event will actually take place yet, (cutting it quite fine). To make things worse, the event is clashing with a 'Freshers' Only' event in College which means access to College is restricted. I hope this problem can get resolved soonish.
The good news, however, is that I have finished designing the posters to advertise the event, stickers to give away on the day, a training plan for the day and added a Paypal donation button to the blog which will allow people to donate even after the sponsorship site closes on the 6th. I have also written a business case which I have submitted to the Grey College Trust for a grant which, if successful, would make a huge impact on the overall fundraising total. Again, let's all keep our finger's crossed! Unfortunately, still no word back from Science in Sport about sponsorship :(.
With just a couple more days open on the sponsorship site Hubbub I would be really grateful for one final push with getting the challenge known to people. Send the links to your family and friends and tell them about GCBC. Whether you row or just like the challenge, any donation amount, large or small, would make all the difference. It would be amazing to reach £2500 before Tuesday!
Thanks for reading and watch out for an IMPORTANT UPDATE soon!
Training w/c 28/08/2015

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